We surfers can seem a weird lot for those who don’t understand the obsession of riding lumps of water on planks of foam. Getting up in the cold and wet to get colder and wetter. Travelling all over the planet chasing rides that might last 30 seconds at a time (if you’re lucky). Caressing a new board like it’s some kind of special cat. It’s all a bit unusual.
To help those that might be unsure what to get their friends or family of the salty persuasion, we’ve put together an easy surfers gift guide of 10 things surfers love.
Here are 10 things surfers love...
Fin slices, reef rash, jellyfish stings. The list of injuries surfers rack up each year is longer than a longboard. We’ve curated a first aid kit with The Ocean Warrior for those of the salty persuasion. It’s all wrapped in a red dry bag that’s easy to find, fits in jetski compartments, and matches festive season colours.

No one likes sand, not even surfers. The worst thing is when it gets all junked up in your wax and other bobs. Keep everything clean and organised with this FlexiTub that fits a bunch of surfing essentials. Nothing like a gift that links with another!

Kids and adults alike love these cosy bits of fabric. They keep you dry, warm, and help you get changed easier without showing off your tricky bits. The grommet ones come in fun prints and the adult options come in fluffy cotton or velvety velour.

If you live in colder climates, chances are your surfer friend feels the sting of early morning frost on their rig quite frequently. Keep that chill off with this fully polar-fleece lined, weather-proof poncho that’s built for cold early morning surf checks.

Another handy item for the surfer’s car to avoid wetsuits dribbling salt water - The Multi-Purpose Surf Bucket is made with waterproof materials with taped seams to chuck your wet gear in and carry with ease. It can even double as a beer-chiller by sliding in some ice and tins and hitting the Sunset Bar. Buy a bucket here.

Speaking of buckets... a bucket (hat) for your head is a great idea as a summer gift for surfers. This little number has a comfy chin strap to keep the thing on, even during duck dives and wipeouts. For the slightly more fashion conscious surfer, there’s also a regular surf cap version that’s lightweight and fast drying. Find that number here.

As every trucker on the planet has once said, you can’t have too many tie downs. Great for securing boards to your roof, using for a tip run with your trailer, or tying a cheeky grommet to a pole at the beach so he can’t come out and steal your waves. Get your surf straps here.

Sox in a box. No, this isn’t a Dr Seuss rhyme, It's an ideal gift for a surfer. The faithful board sock is an absolute staple to help protect your board in the car, on a scooter in Bali, or in the board rack at home. If you go camping and forget your sleeping bag, it’s way better curling up in one of these than using leaves as a blanket too. They even come packed in an easy to wrap box. Shop sox.

Some call it a leash, some call it a leg rope. We’ve even heard of people calling them shock cords. We don’t know why. Whatever you name it, these absolute essentials keep your board attached to your leg, avoiding unnecessary swims and keeping others safe from flying fibreglass projectiles. If your surfer friend wants something with less drag, this is a great option. Otherwise you’ll find Creatures’ bestselling general purpose surf leash in the Reliance Pro 6.

The perfect complement to wax - traction tail pads are an absolute surf essential. From Grom specific sizes that fit on small boards, to fish versions, to EcoPure designs which biodegrade at their end of life, we’ve got it all. If you’re a little unsure, we recommend the Italo Ferreira Signature Pad. SBIA Award-winning. Backed by a world champ and Olympic Gold Medalist. Comes in EcoPure.

Ahh wax. If ever there was a perfect surfer’s stocking filler for Christmas this is it. It’s affordable, small, and forever in demand in beach carparks - “heeeeeey, can I borrow some wax?”. No need for feeling like a scab. Stock up here. If you’re not sure about the best wax to get you might find our wax/water temp guide handy too.

Surfers use wax every single time they hit the water. It gets used up faster than a shopaholic's credit card limit. Sex Wax is the most popular brand of surf wax in the world. And the Sex Wax air fresheners are the easiest gift ever! Easy buy. Easy win.

So that’s it. 10 things surfers love - the ultimate surfer’s gift guide. Now it’s all about getting in early to make sure things are shipped on time, or waltzing down to your local surf store to pick something up in person.
Here’s a locator of the best surf shops in Australia to help you on your way.