As a nod to hard working surfers everywhere who love to bust out the log, we’ve added new longboard dimensions to our HardWear collection - boardcovers built for rugged durability.
The dimensions were tailored with the feedback from world longboarding champ Harrison Roach, who has also helped us with the Fish and Mid Length sizing of our covers. There’s options from 8’0’’ all the way up to 9’6’’.

Every cover includes the solid features the HardWear collection is known for, including tough canvas and DiamondTech materials, 5mm closed-cell foam padding, plus marine-grade, corrosion-resistant zips.

As a further tip of the hard hat to the range’s rugged durability, we’ve added in a midnight blue colourway as well - just like those tradesman’s chinos that last forever and a day.

Something to stand up to the sand, salt, wind (and cement dust in the back of the ute).