Nothing can replace catching up with someone in person. Shaking hands, sharing food, chatting about all sorts of weird and wild adventures. Every year, we relish the chance to catch up with the Creatures Pro Team around Margaret River’s WSL event. We get personal feedback on what equipment is working and why, gut-check new designs we have on the boil, and generally get a first-person insight into what it’s like to travel and surf for a living. So much better than Zoom calls and email.
This year we hammered our AirBnB curfew to connect with Italo, Griff, Ethan, Molly, and Imai. Our West Oz Team manager Jezza Forrest and legends Jake Paterson and Luke Egan were there as well. Here’s a look at some of the things that were discussed and some interesting questions you might love to know the answers to.
This is the Creatures Crew in full definition…

What poster was on your wall as a kid?
Ethan: "Andy, Mick, and Parko posters! Because they were my favourites to watch and the ones winning all the events."
Imai: "As a kid I had a lot of posters, but the main ones I remember the most was a Volcom Bruce Movie poster and Clay Marzo ‘Just Add Water’ poster."
Molly: "I remember I had a couple of Rip Curl Search posters on my bedroom wall. I had them because my brother wanted them (we were competitive siblings!)."
Griffin: "Tom Curren out at Pipe."
Italo: "I didn’t have posters in my house; I don’t think they ever made it to Brazil. However, two movies I remember the most are Modern Collective and Momentum."

Which venue on tour is best for a layday?
Ethan: "Bells."
Imai: "I think Margaret River is the coolest to have a lay day, so many good waves other than Main Break, super beautiful beaches and wineries."
Molly: "J Bay. Because there is good golf, great food and the potential of a safari if you get two days off."
Griffin: "J-Bay - the food is insane and the bungee jumping is crazy!"
Italo: "Portugal is the best for waves and Laydays."

Next country to claim mens and womens gold at Olympics?
Ethan: "Aus clean sweep!"
Imai: "I think the US has a good chance of winning gold this year in Tahiti, I’m claiming John will win it for men. As for women, if Molly Picklum is there for AUS I think she looks so solid on her backhand tube riding."
Molly: "Australia. I’ll back Tyler or myself and Jack or Ethan! Obviously there are some great contenders so it will be tough but I know the Australian team will be doing everything we can to bring home gold."
Griffin: "USA!"
Italo: "Brazil"

What location do you wish was a tour event?
Ethan: "I’d love to have to Snapper back on the CT. I used to go to watch every year when I was super young. World class wave, really good venue for spectators, and it’s close to home!"
Imai: "I wish Honolua Bay was a CT event. It would be insane to have a contest at home, it’s also one of the best waves in the world."
Molly: "Bali. Keramas. Because it is close to Australia and the wave is sick."
Griffin: "Bring G-Land back! Make the waiting period a month. Best wave when it’s on.
Italo: "At my home spot, it would be awesome haha."

What CREATURES gear is must-have for tour life?
Ethan: "Covers to protect your boards from getting damaged and Pro leash for the variety of waves we get on tour."
Imai: "Most important is board bags. Usually lugging two coffin bags around on tour. Then of course PROTO grips and RELIANCE leashes for each stop."
Molly: "The 8 board coffin."
Griffin: "My signature pad and the the travel board bag!"
Italo: "PROTO™1.4"

Photos by Anj Semark